The uniqueness of the Buddhist religion is that it is not the acceptance and adherence to the texts of a deity, a central ideology or a holy book that leads to salvation. In contrast to God-centered religions, Buddhism is human-centered, and according to its followers, the effort of each person helps in spiritual development, in reaching a higher level.
According to Buddhist belief, we ourselves cause our problems and suffering with our negative behavior and thoughts. In order to change this, we need to learn how to be moderate, selfless and compassionate.
The first step to reshaping the world is to reshape our own thinking. One means of doing this is meditation, which is a conscious effort to change our mind. In traditional Buddhist language, the term used for meditation is bhavana, which means growth, development. And since growth, development, striving for good, achieving a better quality of life are important goals for almost everyone, it is not surprising that Buddhist meditation techniques are widely known and recognized worldwide and not only among people who actively practice the Buddhist religion.
Meditation is thus a mental and physical process of action in which the meditator separates himself from his thoughts and feelings in order to become fully aware. Meditation involves both the body and the mind as a single entity and aims to stop the thought process. Meditation means to simply exist, not to judge, not to think, but simply to be present in peace in the lived moment.
The importance of meditation lies in the fact that it helps to change, because no matter how good we want to be, if we cannot change the desires that cause us to act in a certain way, we will not be able to change and we will keep making the same mistakes.
People who meditate regularly can notice positive changes in themselves. They become more accepting and forgiving towards themselves, which is a basic condition for them to see their environment in a more open and accepting way. In this way, not only will they become more accepting of themselves, but their feelings for their loved ones will also grow and strengthen. A person who meditates regularly also changes his attitude towards strangers, he does not see the bad first, but tries to judge others positively. This is possible because a properly developed mind is a very powerful tool. Meditation gives the possibility that the regularly meditating mind uses mental energy well and in a concentrated manner, with the help of which it can influence others, gradually transforming them.
We know many forms of meditation. The main techniques were preserved in ancient texts or passed down by word of mouth and thus survived the millennia. Meditation develops awareness, concentration, calmness, insight and supernatural abilities. Meditation can be analytical or focused. The first subjects the object of meditation to analysis, while the second concentrates on the object of meditation without any analysis.
According to tradition, there are five obstacles that can prevent you from fully immersing yourself in everyday life during meditation:
The appearance of any one or any combination of obstacles weakens meditation. According to the tradition, if we examine and understand the obstacles, it becomes possible to overcome them. When they appear, you have to deal with them, so they become manageable.